Search Results for: russia

Ludmila Ulitskaya

Ludmila Ulitskaya was born in 1943 in the Urals. After graduating from Moscow University with a Degree of Master in Biology, she worked in the Institute of Genetics as a scientist. She… More

Keith Gessen

Keith Gessen was born in Russia and currently lives in Brooklyn. He was educated at Harvard and Syracuse. He is a founding editor of n+1 magazine. He is the author of All… More

Elena Milashina

Elena Milashina is a leading correspondent for the prominent Russian publication Novaya Gazeta. Elena Milashina exposes corruption and abuses committed by her government. After the murder of her colleague and world-renowned rights champion… More

Pussy Riot Trial Closed; Verdict Due August 17

The trial against Maria Alyokhina, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Yekaterina Samusevich was closed yesterday, August 8, 2012, and the verdict will be given on August 17. The three members of… More

The Hunger Angel

I carried all I had, but it wasn’t mine. Everything either came from someone else or wasn’t what it was supposed to be. A gramophone box served as a… More