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2015 PEN Literary Gala: Emin Milli

Imprisoned journalist Khadija Ismayilova was awarded the 2015 PEN/Barbara Goldsmith Freedom to Write Award at the 2015 PEN Literary Gala. Her friend and fellow Azerbaijani dissident writer Emin Milli… More

2015 PEN Literary Gala: Markus Dohle

What an awe-inspiring setting for this important evening. Thank you for this honor. I never come to the Museum of Natural History without visiting this room. At a time… More

Lincoln Song

A collaboration with illustrator and author Maira Kalman, this musical piece is inspired by Abraham Lincoln’s pocket watch, which was made to tick again in 2014. More

Book Groups, Librarians Support USA FREEDOM Act

The Campaign for Reader Privacy, a coalition including PEN American Center and booksellers, publishers, librarians, and authors, is asking the House of Representatives to quickly pass without weakening the… More

2015 PEN Literary Award Winners

BOOK AWARDS PEN/Robert W. Bingham Prize for Debut Fiction ($25,000): To an author whose debut work—a first novel or collection of short stories published in 2014—represents distinguished literary achievement and suggests great… More