Search Results for: banned books week

The Censor in Each of Us

W. B. Yeats had a dream that was “almost as distinct as a vision, of a cottage where there was well-being and firelight and talk of a marriage, and… More

The PEN Ten with Je Banach

Writing may be courageous, but reading and speaking about what we read are also courageous acts. The discourse we create when we talk about books is daring just as… More

Tyranny of Parents: Banning Shel Silverstein

Warning: What you are about to read contains profanity, vile, morbid, and anti-parent material, suggestive illustrations, subliminal messages that glorify Satan, suicide, cannibalism, disrespect for truth and legitimate authority,… More

How Brave Are You?

What would you do if your neighbors faced annihilation? PEN's Freedom to Write Program Coordinator Sarah Hoffman on the Newbery Award-winning Number the Stars. More

The Shaman of Ice Cream

On Monday, September 23, 2013, Sherman Alexie participated in a live conversation with PEN America and Director of the Office of Intellectual Freedom at the ALA, Barbara Jones. This… More

On Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn

It’s a luxury in our country that banning books is by and large an academic argument...[W]hen we have a discussion of “banned” books in this country, what we are… More