PEN Poetry Series

Through 2019, the PEN Poetry Series published work by writers from all over the world. 

Spill Split

I am sentimental, but continue to be surprised by how quickly an event, while / retreating into the past, gains its nostalgia. More

The Shaman of Ice Cream

On Monday, September 23, 2013, Sherman Alexie participated in a live conversation with PEN America and Director of the Office of Intellectual Freedom at the ALA, Barbara Jones. This… More

from Poses

At this, Joe asked, Are you good? O yeah, I’m a slugger, she said, her gaze trained on the far wall. Every statement she makes induces in me a… More

Two Poems by Frances Richard

there is no end / there is no end / one version of this only creates happiness / earth-movers across the street / festooned with colored ribbon while demolishing… More

Three Poems by Mary Hickman

In the photos, he’s sixteen. His horse stands with loose reins by an alpine lake. The water looks less like water than sky, and even in the heat of… More

Seven Poems by Valerie Hsiung

(I am withholding something / frightening, holy, foolhardy, strange, / loving, excruciating, vital, unknown, / rejuvenating, transient, natural, old) // like a free will / like nowhere to go More