Sissies’ Scrapbook

"It’s the awful power of having exactly what you want. I’m sure it’s not the freeing, liberating thing you expect it to be." More

Wallace Stevens in the World

At some point in the proceedings one of the more advanced of us got out the volume of Wallace Stevens’s Collected Poems in its handsome soft blue dust jacket… More

A Naked Singularity

It means everything because sentencing like Physics and other sciences builds on what came before so that the worse your past was, the worse your present will be, and… More

The Land at the End of the World

The night—which resembles a notary’s office where resigned third-rank civil servants lie snoring among the sheaves of official papers—transforms the houses and the buildings into sad family vaults inhabited… More


Major League Baseball’s drive for profit and control—not its desire to rectify historic wrongs—led it to accept integration. That same lust to maximize revenues and exert dominion over… More