This is Where

I’m from where silence is normal and / punitive. / Hugs are warm and forced Catholicism still / weighs heavy on my mother’s shoulders. / At 73—the burden has… More

Run Chile Run

I don't like this place / Locks on the cabinets / And cable cords strapped around da refrigerator's waist / She doesn't like my face / Even, when I’m... More

Glimpse: Year 26, 2016

There’s a lot of gray / in what’s left of my hair— / my George Jefferson tonsure / monks somewhere still wear / ... / Styling changes I spied… More

The PEN Ten with sam sax

I do have more to say about what a good writer is and ought to do, which I think carries many of the same qualities as a good person.… More

The Art Buyer

I used to teach but now I work “in start-up tech” / And I’m trying to turn back. / The company I work for just fired half of everyone… More

from A Parade

the cat is the perfect serendipity of a moment, ashy undulation, heavy sluggish eyes, a couple of idle legs and illusory smell, all of it strangely seductive… More