
I crave / to look at my life / and retrace the past / which floats before / me like ghost music More

Holi Songs of Demerara

Rajiv Mohabir is the recipient of a 2015 PEN/Heim Translation Fund Grant for his translation of Lalbihari Sharma’s Holi Songs of Demerara, the only known literary work by one… More

Four Poems by Duriel E. Harris

"Harris's liberatory poetics move between text on the page, visual meanings, and sound meanings. It is in the last category where the poems chosen this month live, where they… More

Bee Alliance

this day was meant for something else / burn the barn / horses hate them / fuck the barn / fuck the rancher and his barbed wire / shake… More

Replacement Songs

An experiment called soon / I’ll fall asleep in your pick-up / beyond the near grey mountains / smiling up at the moon and / here’s one called the… More

from Explosion Rocks Springfield

I remember the breeze right before… / Burs of—was it willow—slant-falling. / The gray sidewalk, schist granules, scattering. / A brown dumpster lid smushing its green plastic, sandwich meat.… More