Book of Minutes

I open the dresser drawer and find the definition of tenderness under the letter h: handkerchiefs with embroidered initials, lavender scent, well-pressed and folded in quarters, the way light… More

Captain Kidd

The art of the biographer consists specifically in choice. He is not meant to worry about speaking truth; he must create human characteristics amidst the chaos. More

The Payback

The chief secured their door with a padlock, put the key in his pocket, and signaled to the peasant driver to get moving. When they reached the bridge, silhouettes… More

The Cousins

The novel that propelled Aurora Venturini to literary stardom at the age of 85 tells the story of a dysfunctional lower-middle-class family in Argentina with dark humor and psychological… More

The Impossible Fairy Tale

The Impossible Fairy Tale is the first novel by one of South Korea’s most promising young writers. In Hong’s pitch-perfect, limpid translation, this meta-fictional story of two small girls,… More

Athalia Montez, Advice

In a major rediscovery, Burnett brings us the work of Urzidil, a writer from the Prague Circle whose fiction only blossomed later in life, as a writer-in-exile in the… More