A yellow canary on a jagged branch before a pastel purple and blue backdrop

Shadows and Shades

“I picked up the mirror and saw a shift as I thought about my wounded life—the wounds that came from wanting to be someone who I am not.” More

Black and white illustration of a woman with tears in one eye, black markings on her face, and a skeleton of a bird on her shoulder

Man of Few Words

“I’ll be here until I die. I release you. You’re a man, still young. The girls are soon off to college. Junior’s in highschool. Find someone who’ll love our… More

Empty prison cells

Little Gardens

“The older I get the more constricting I find the hetero mask to be. Committing this to paper is, then, something of a coming-out party.” More

A woman with an earbud in one ear stares at a small bird flying in front of her with several red flowers in the foreground and rain in the background

What I Would Like to Hear

“I hear a Kawasaki ZRX and a strumming of a bass guitar coming from a few houses down and someone speaking Spanish as I turn the page to the… More

tree in center of field

El Reno

Today, when I felt the wind, I could not travel with it. Past the guard tower it blew, over and around the cyclone fence and razor wire. More

Pencil drawing with a female face merging into natural imagery. The lower part of the image has a hand holding a baseball and a bike before a full moon.

Breathe into the Ground

“This time... this time you breathed into the ground so your children wouldn’t hear your startled sobs that escaped from your chest as you thought about your friend.” More

Grey circles with varying opacity over black background

No Future in a Circle

That tingling or the tractor fumes—buoyant and a bit slow to go—still—the briefest souvenirs—all traverse a circle—meaning one more ride won't bring us ‘round— More