
a dead squirrel threaded tight in the bamboo / bustling with white worms stench static guitar / should you roll in it, no water on earth / should you… More

Two Poems from Red Doc>

He hadn’t known his / grandmother long or well. / She smelled like Noxzema. / Didn’t like doctors. Believed in herbs and the / Bible. When the apostles /… More

Three Questions with C.D. Wright

Clearly authoritarian states are afraid of even small, solo voices. Less mucked-up states with grandiose images of themselves are afraid of truth-speakers as well. But they can just paper… More

Obsurity & Shelter

a one-story clapboard with stuff / crammed into drawers / waiting for the adults to go out / never enough closets / so he could roll a smoke… More

from Bluets

At the bottom of the swimming pool, I watched the white winter light spangle the cloudy blue and I knew together they made God. When I walked into my… More

The Land at the End of the World

The night—which resembles a notary’s office where resigned third-rank civil servants lie snoring among the sheaves of official papers—transforms the houses and the buildings into sad family vaults inhabited… More


Major League Baseball’s drive for profit and control—not its desire to rectify historic wrongs—led it to accept integration. That same lust to maximize revenues and exert dominion over… More