The Girl on a Leash

Her mother’s flaky hands scraped against her daughter’s forehead. Once they had been like candle wax. She said, “Are we wrong?” Her father said, “Do you want to raise… More

PEN Announces 2013 Translation Fund Winners

The Translation Fund, now celebrating its tenth year, is pleased to announce the winners of this year’s competition. From a field of 180 applicants, the Fund’s Advisory Board has… More

Appeals from the Senseless

I’ll flood the courts with my appeals. / I’ll complain about my prison meals. // Here’s another thing I refuse to see. / The courts are slow because of… More

People I Know

They are girls in buffalo stances, / that dance for men they hate, / who even sometimes hate themselves, / but still paint the pain on in the morning… More

Prison Diary

How can I communicate what it is like to get arrested when you have one four month old daughter and a second daughter on the way, and then be… More

Of Ash and Bone

Even the legend of the two self-garroters varied according to the storyteller. In some versions the men were star-crossed lovers who died tragically, side by side. In others the… More

Painting the Sunset

It’s said that too many cooks spoil the broth and two women under one roof is one too many. It couldn’t have been easy for my Aunt Margie to… More