The Big Smoke: Five Poems

That horse back-kicked so hard / my leg bone broke, split skin // like a lazy plum. I layed back / in that stall bleeding & hollering // in… More

A Tuareg Leaves Timbuktu

The first thing you must do / when word of the rebel army’s advance / reaches your mud-brick home / is surrender your hope / to see the Great… More

Four Last Songs

I’d forgotten to pay attention for years / To a song I heard for the first time // At the end of a recent memorial, / An actual song… More

Richard Blanco, Inaugural Poet

President Obama has selected poet Richard Blanco to read the inaugural poem in Washington DC on January 21st. Good editorial work, POTUS! Read two poems from Blanco's Directions to… More

Valzhyna Mort: Three Poems

It’s as if somebody threw at him slices / of skinned grapefruit. / Every time she hits him—I hit her. / Look at this. Look whom you’ve bred. //… More