Five Poems by Lisa Olstein

Like everyone, I’ll watch indefinitely while / the meant-to-be lovers stay a lip’s width apart / or a war zone, their shadows overlapping / like animals around a dried-up… More

The Chains That Keep

He sees me staring through the rearview and stops. Every streetlight we pass, his face gets shinier. He unzips his jacket, I notice blood on his shirt. Stabbed, probably.… More

Cunt Norton

When you cunt a text, both texts are devoured, both are spit back up stunned by their new undulations, their hybridity an act of endurance and of disappearance, meanings… More

The PEN Ten with Monique Truong

Writers or rather our works begin the conversations about the difficult, unanswerable subjects of life, and often our works keep the conversations going when everyone else would rather forget.… More

Gay Propaganda: Olga & Irina

What country are we living in and in what year, when priests bless half- drunk nationalists that pelt people with rocks while the police look on and then load… More

Gay Propaganda: Sergei

There wasn’t a single gay man among them. There were grown men next to me, who’d come down with delirium tremens, schizophrenia. That’s when I learned that madness is… More