Ragip Zarakolu | Status: Displaced/In Exile | Turkey

Ragip Zarakolu, director and owner of Belge Publishing House and a longtime activist against censorship, is on trial for "aiding and abetting an illegal organization" under Turkey's sweeping anti-terror… More

Ali Al-Domaini | Status: Deceased | Saudi Arabia

Ali Al-Domaini is a poet and writer whose publications include three collections of poetry and one novel in Arabic. As a political activist, he has campaigned for a move… More

Raúl Rivero | Status: Deceased | Cuba

Raúl Rivero is among the first generation of journalists trained at Havana University's School of Journalism after the 1959 revolution. He co-founded the satirical magazine Caimán Barbudo in 1966.… More

Saw Wai

Saw Wai | Status: On Trial | Myanmar

Saw Wai is a Burmese poet and performance artist well known for his romantic poetry. In October 2019, the military brought a case against Saw Wai and two other… More

Stanislav Dmitrievsky | Status: Under Threat | Russia

Stanislav Dmitrievsky, a human rights advocate, is continually under threat for his work promoting human rights in Chechnya. More