Search Results for: Translation

from Angel of Oblivion

As soon as she starts moving, I follow her. She is my queen bee and I am her drone. The scent of her clothes reaches my nose… More

The PEN Ten with Deborah Smith

I never discuss a translation while I’m working on it, because for me the author’s voice and intention are all there on the page. More

Two Poems by Mu Cao

Your brain is stuffed with / garbage from books the System crams into you / Since grade school you’ve been mastering songs of praise / —Oh, you busy bees More

Simon Armitage

Simon Armitage has published eleven collections of poetry, the latest being The Unaccompanied (2017, Faber&Faber, Knopf).  His acclaimed translation of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight was published in… More

Jennifer Feeley

Jennifer Feeley is the co-editor of Simultaneous Worlds: Global Science Fiction Cinema (University of Minnesota Press, 2015) and translator of Not Written Words: Selected Poetry of Xi Xi (Zephyr… More

DARE to be Informed

Weekly digest of free expression news from the U.S. and around the world More