Search Results for: Translation

Daniel Borzutzky

Daniel Borzutzky’s latest poetry collection is Lake Michigan (Pitt Poetry Series, 2018).  He is the author of The Performance of Becoming Human (Brooklyn Arts Press), recipient of the 2016 National Book Award for Poetry. His… More

The 2012 PEN Literary Awards Ceremony

The 2012 PEN Literary Awards Ceremony was held at CUNYGraduate Center's Proshansky Auditorium on the occasion of the 90th Anniversary of PEN American Center. PEN presented 18 awards, fellowships,… More

Chloe Garcia Roberts

Chloe Garcia Roberts is a poet and translator living in the Boston area. Her poems and translations have most recently appeared in the Harvard Review Online, Poetry International, Interim and Cerise Press… More

Jennifer Hayashida

Jennifer Hayashida is a poet, translator, and artist. Her debut collection, A Machine Wrote This Song, was published by Gramma Poetry in 2018. She is the recipient of awards from, among others,… More