Syria: What Does it Mean to be a Syrian Poet Today?

Ghost towns, devastated forests, fire-ravaged fruit groves, refugees in their millions, deaths in their hundreds of thousands, a raging war and a future without prospects. This, in a nutshell,… More

Cavafy Transformed

Cavafy sometimes rewrote early published poems, and would publish the rewrite, so that we have both versions. The difference between the early work and its later incarnation opens a… More

Two Poems by Liu Xia

Recent translations by Jennifer Stern and Ming Di are a reminder that Liu Xia, under extralegal house arrest since October 2010, has not been forgotten. More

Giving Thanks for Books

In honor of Thanksgiving this week, we asked PEN staff and interns, "For what book are you most thankful?" Their answers—and reasons them—varied widely to include religious texts, momentos… More

Writing About Children and War

Since children are the most vulnerable citizens of any society, it seems rather obvious that they are the citizens most likely to be negatively affected by war. Until very… More