PEN Writers in the Schools

Over the past year, 10 PEN Members volunteered their time as part of the new PEN Writers in the Schools program to help students learn to use writing as… More

Enoh Meyomesse Returned to Hospital

According to Enoh Meyomesse’s friends and family, the imprisoned poet and activist has once again been admitted to the prison hospital in the overcrowded Kondengui Central Prison in Yaoundé. More

Journalists Sentenced to 10 Years in Myanmar

In a setback for Myanmar's move toward democracy, one editor and four journalists were sentenced to 10 years in prison for reporting on the alleged government seizure of land… More

Anne Hollander: 1930-2014

Former PEN American Center President Anne Hollander passed away Sunday at the age of 83. Described by the poet and her lifelong friend Richard Howard as “shamefully literary,” Hollander is celebrated for… More

PEN Takes Action, Beijing Takes Notice

Beijing is trying to intimidate and isolate Ilham Tohti’s supporters. These paranoid security measures are in inverse proportion to the solidity of the case against him. More

The Library in the Torture Center

Many of the countries represented in this year's FIFA World Cup—including finalist Argentina—have less than impressive track records when it comes to free speech. Martin Ezpeleta visits the Library… More