
The bullet, spinning / to maintain a shallow arc, / carves a hot thread / through the wind / until it breaks one hair / and the deer’s neck… More

Hide the Poor

As clansmen make laws / the country makes heaps / their kings and governors / proclaim franking / to be among / the inalienable rights / They burn youths… More

Burton Pike Wins Wolff Prize

I could not be more delighted by the news that PEN Translation Committee Member Burton Pike has been selected for the 2012 Helen and Kurt Wolff Prize, an annual prize… More

Little Lady of My Heart

Shoe polish before / News from home / Up to the drawn- / In knee where your / Eye socket trusts / Off-shade / On purpose, don’t / They… More

John Reed: Two Sonnets

The truth is, I only tell 13 lies. / Lie no. 2: I lie in praise of heaven. / Three: this is between just the two of us.… More