Search Results for: banned books week

On Judy Blume’s Forever

I checked out Forever from my local library, where it sat serenely in Teen Fiction for all the world to see. I read it on a gray morning, and… More

On William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying

While ideological book banning is infuriating, banning out of ignorance and vague religiosity are, to me, even more galling. William Faulkner’s classic, As I Lay Dying, has been banned… More

Aref Dalila | Status: Released | Syria

Dr. Aref Dalila, born in 1942, is a writer and former economics professor and Dean of the Faculty of Economics at Damascus University. He was an advocate of political… More

Shi Tao | Status: Released | China

Shi Tao is a journalist, poet, and member of the Independent Chinese PEN Center serving a 10-year sentence for “illegally divulging state secrets abroad" after he forwarded a Propaganda… More

My Father’s Violin

My father played his violin every evening, standing by the upright piano in our dining room. Hearing him play was my first memory, and I can no longer recall… More

PEN Appeal: Turkey

December 22, 2011 Minister of Justice Mr. Sadullah Ergin 06669 Kizilay Ankara Turkey Fax: 00 90 312 419 3370 Your Excellency, On behalf of the 3,500 members of PEN American Center, an international organization of writers… More

A World’s Worth of Snow

When there is absolutely nothing left to eat in the house, Hana decides to ask for work at the agricultural cooperative. They give her the job of cleaning the… More