Give a Boy a Gun!

“Give me the money!” I thought he was my homie, I guess not! He fucked me over one day after class. In the store He screamed “Give me the money!” More

Second Guessing!!!

Hagakure (The book of the samurai)/ Caught my eye/ Read the blurb/ Quote:/ “When a man faces 100 men all alone he should not think of the outcome but… More

Anthony O.: Is It a Possibility?

Is It a Possibility?I stood there staringThinking of what to do.I kept my eyes glued,To the poster in my face.College readiness.It’s difficult to decide,When everyone in my family,Made the… More

On Being Lucky, or Not

Clover: “On Being Lucky, Or NotLet’s be honest: I have never beenparticularly fond of my mother,with her soft white skinand her crushing hugs, intent onswallowing me whole.let’s be real:… More

The Unspoken Stories of Those Who Cannot Speak

The Broken Shelf: Part 1: Disfigured HaikuLife as Broken ShelvesIs one without acknowledgementTreasured tales collapse.The Broken Shelf: Part 2: LimerickThe shelf reeked of knowledge and dustIts hefty insides were… More


One thought travels across that HD plasma in her mind.I am tired. 12 hour shifts to come home To work 12 hour shifts Those kiddies are her late night bosses. Brown paper bags… More