And I Was Small

Clarence Rice # 63456Box CWaupun, Wisconsin 53963AND I WAS SMALLNeon sign blinking: GOLDBAR. GOLDBAR. On/off. On/off. On/off. I stood watching. Thinking. Almost hypnotized. Off/on Off/on Off/on GOLDBAR GOLDBAR GOLDBAR. … More

The Technological Revolution

The 20th century will be remembered in the annals of history as the “Technological Revolution”. Industrial-Capitalism which seen in it’s birth in the 19th century in England, and spread… More


Daniel J. BourneBox 2Lansing, Kansas66042It was still dark when Cato Johnson awoke. He picked up an old newspaper that lay on the floor, and fanned himself vigorously. The exertion… More

Night Music

Night MusicTonight in Cellblock Threesomeone is playing Mozart.Sweeter than tangerines the music risesabove the sound of all four showersby the guard stationIt is summer at the end of a… More

Of A Time Removed

Elliott C. RicehillBox 316Fort Madison, Iowa 52627 It is said that the Qahadi Comanches called thefirst Anglos they knew, los godammies, after thefirst English words they learned. In those times,Comanche… More

Lend Us Your Ears Tax-Payers

Beloved Readers:Peering about this functionally effective concentration camp of Humanity, at the gigantic evils perpetrated against us/you as a people, A tax-paying people, by the designers of Penal Habitations… More


Patrick O’Neil30832-ABox CWaupun, WI 53963 PidginAgainst the patterned vision I bendstretchLeaning to watchA feathery bird come to mock my untidy cage.Scoot-walking along a windowsill about ten feet away,making strange vanishing… More

Where do Popsickles Go When Dey Die?

(where do popsickles go when dey die?)Or/De SunflowerOnce dere was a small-town Girl.Who used to run barefoot’ddown shoe-beaten pathsDiggin her toes into warm moist’d sandup ‘n down country roads…smilin… More


Richard Knox139-896PO Box 69London, OH 43140TurmoilAs I sit within my cell…within the mess I’ve madeI sense another self inside amused at dreams mislaidDreams and plans—and intentions gone astrayAnd I… More