The Last Time I Saw Chet

"You always think you will know when it happens, but you don't. When you fall apart, when all your abilities to manage, navigate, and remedy are rendered worthless." More

rain drops on a window

As I Hear the Rain

"She had / Never understood my fascination / With the smell of dirt and fertilizer / Trapped in rows of rotting wooden benches." More

street traffic

Tiny General

"We ate into our stack of chips with all this, bro. We need to make some money. I'm going to need your help." More



"They weren’t perfect, but they did their best at parenting. I never doubted they loved me." More

pen on a blank notebook

A King of Infinite Space

"Power comes from influence over life, over movement, which the immovable do not do except with fear and shadows to drive those things away from them." More

A judge's gavel

Parole Reform

"Prisoners must have a mode in which they can challenge the state’s actions in parole decisions. Any system that cannot be held accountable is an unjust system." More

two people walking through a tunnel


"Randy picked up a geode—a black, gnarled rock, sliced open to reveal a crystalline pocket within—and turned it over in his hands." More

Lake With Buildings In the Background at dusk

Rogers Park: Area 52

"Mankind waited our whole history for something amazing like this to happen, then it does, and in my own back yard no less, and it may as well have… More

Murderers’ Ball

"The Murderers' Ball is what we call the annual fall Lifer's Club banquet. It's mostly said in jest and among ourselves, Lifers that is. It's dark humor shared by… More