Colorful swirl effect overlaid on top of framed headshot of Laila Lalami and next to the text "We Will Emerge"

Why Vote?

“The ballot is the only means we have to evaluate the public servants whose salaries we all pay, whether we choose to vote or not.” More

Colorful swirl effect overlaid on top of framed headshot of Alice Wong and next to the text "We Will Emerge"

The Political is Personal

“Being a ventilator user with a neuromuscular disability compelled me to push back against the societal devaluation of disabled lives.” More

Colorful swirl effect overlaid on top of framed headshot of Natalie Diaz and next to the text "We Will Emerge"

A Practice of Momentum

“If I might make a gift of words in this moment, it is to remind myself that I will not be alone on the other side of this vote—we… More

Text reading “What to Expect”

What to Expect 2020

As we near Election Day, PEN America is working to prepare you for what to expect this campaign season. Learn how to spot, check, and stop disinformation and defend… More

Sheremet at Open Library Debate

Pavel Sheremet | Status: Murdered | Ukraine

Pavel Sheremet, a Belarusian-born Russian journalist who worked in Belarus and Ukraine, died in a car explosion in Kyiv on July 20, 2016. The Ukraine Prosecutor’s Office said the… More

Kirill Serebrennikov

Kirill Serebrennikov | Status: Convicted | Russia

Kirill Serebrennikov, a prominent Russian theater director, was put under house arrest on August 23 on charges of fraud. More

Ahmed Naji | Status: Displaced/In Exile | Egypt

Ahmed Naji was temporarily released from prison in Egypt on December 22, 2016, after his two-year prison sentence for “violating public modesty” was suspended by an appeals court on… More