Nguyen Vu Binh | Status: Released | Vietnam

Age 39, Nguyen Vu Binh is a former journalist who worked for 10 years for Tap Chi Cong (Journal of Communism), the official publication of the Communist Party of… More

Nguyen Xuan Nghia | Status: Released | Vietnam

Nguyen Xuan Nghia, a poet, journalist, essayist, and novelist, served a six-year sentence for "conducting anti-government propaganda" under Article 88 of Vietnam's penal code. The indictment against him cited… More

Mexico Signs New Laws Protecting Journalists

It is encouraging to see that Mexican President Felipe Calderón has signed a new law to protect journalists. It’s the second major step the Mexican government has taken in… More

Enoh Meyomesse: Ma Vie en Prison (français)

Enoh Meyomesse, 57 ans, est l’auteur de nombreux ouvrages et président fondateur de l’Association nationale des écrivains camerounais. Arrêté le 22 novembre 2011, il est accusé d’un triple délit… More

Enoh Meyomesse: My Time in Kondengui Prison

[caption id="attachment_14989" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="Enoh Meyomesse"][/caption] Enoh Meyomesse is the author of 15 books and a founding member of the Cameroon Writers Association. In October 2011, he ran for office… More

Mexico Signs New Laws Protecting Journalists

[caption id="attachment_13866" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="photo by archer10 (Dennis) on a Creativecommons license"][/caption] It is encouraging to see that Mexican President Felipe Calderón has signed a new law to protect journalists.… More