Indamiro Restano Diaz | Status: Released | Cuba

Journalist, poet, and activist Indamiro Restano Diaz has been hailed as “the father of independent journalism” in Cuba for his pioneering leadership roles in multiple free press organizations. He… More

The PEN Ten with Achy Obejas

"My most recurrent images involve water, and specifically, our rescue in the Straits of Florida when we escaped from Cuba: our small wooden fishing boat up against a giant… More

Free Expression Digest: Fri., June 26

U.S. rules in favor of same-sex marriage, record number of journalists jailed in Egypt, justice for journalist murdered in Colombia, and more More

The PEN Ten with Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

Fidel Castro as the measure of all things. Why is it that no Latin American writer, after almost a century of tradition with the so-called “novels of the dictator,”… More