In the Light of What We Know

My professional life has been spent in finance, a business concerned with fine points, such as the small movement in exchange rates on which the fate of millions of… More


Edda Sólveig’s back is turned to me as she stands on a dry island in the damp floor. I look past her, out my arched window, the jewel of… More


A warm fire. I, too, wanted to stay there forever. Tell Cheolsu his chicken was ripped apart and eaten by a rabid dog. But instead I stood and watched… More

One, Two

At the very second in which revulsion rises in her throat she hears the siren. Insistent. They’ve discovered the boss is a blue lizard. More


My mother spoke softly and only for a little time, not interrupting but taking her turn. I could hear none of her words. Her voice did not have its… More

The Silent Woman

I stuck the knifepoint into one of the spaces between my black-gloved fingers. Then into the space between the fingers next to it . . . Several men tensely… More

The Ravens

This is our patch. We have no other. This soil, observed by the sun and the ravens. This plot beneath a sky criss-crossed by jet planes. More

The Steady Running of the Hour

A dugout can collapse under shelling and bury you alive, or drown you as it slowly fills with water. The two sometimes come in tandem, so that it is… More

The Temporary Gentleman

So I was standing there, flush with my winnings, not thinking of much, as always somewhat intoxicated by being at sea, somewhat in love with an unknown coastline, and… More