The Disappearance Approach

He was lying in his bed with his eyes closed. I knew when I saw him with the CPAP mask over his mouth and nose and heard the whooshing… More


"I am content to place humankind at the center of Creation. We are complex enough, interesting enough. What we have learned, limited as we must assume it to be,… More

Los Angeles Plays Itself

"As much as any city, Los Angeles is a work-in-progress, a landscape of fragments where the boundaries we take for granted in other environments are not always clear." More

The Seizure of a Book Review

The editor of Kitap Zamanı, which was shut down by the Turkish government earlier this month, reflects on the popular literary magazine's 10-year history and the future of press… More

A Body of Athletics

Coach Larry taught us, Defense is the best offense. If memory is passed down in DNA, I learned defense long ago, from my ancestors, from all they had to… More

The Centaur’s Son

As I lay in my crib, sleeping only three crow miles away in another small sandstone farmhouse was a 15-year-old boy who was dreaming of graduating from high school… More