
Creoles, MestizosSince it so happens you are strange and Iam strange, together we will shock the world.Families as they stroll by will point at us,and we’ll be famous, quite… More

Summer Rain

Sabri was astonished to see the young woman absently smiling in the pouring rain as she passed through the gate and touched, almost caressed, the trunk of the withered… More


Autumn. A season that suits me particularly well. For several days now, I haven’t been outside. I have an excellent reason: storm, heavy rain, the risk of getting a… More


Suddenly it occurred to me I wouldn’t be spending today in the fields either, bent double cutting the wheat. I felt a little surge of happiness, but it quickly… More


KG 3.53Though only death has baffled himhe owns the universe, the stars … —Tom Paulin, ‘Chorus’‘Me shogun.’‘Me bigwig.’‘Me the chief’s son.I make the rules here.’It’s a load of crap.Laughing, skipping,Tumbling,… More

Animals in our Days

The eyes of the oryx between Rusafa and Jisr/ Have brought on a desire whose source I both know and know not.—Ali bin al-JahmIn field research, Dr. Larissa Conradt… More

Voice from Beyond the Grave

Voice from Beyond the GraveHere lie my mortal remainsIn the field of eternal restThe last stop of a transient life with multiple destiniesThe clay covers my icy dead bodyThe… More

Self-Portrait Abroad

Sitting with Professor H. in one corner of the covered café terrace opposite the main entrance to the Nara train station, we kept our eyes peeled for the three people… More

Elias Khoury: White Masks

PrologueThis is no tale. And it may not be of particular interest to readers, as people these days have more important things to do than read stories or listen… More

Heartbreak Tango

FIRST EPISODEThe shadows on the dance floor,this tango brings sad memories to mind,let us dance and think no morewhile my satin dress has a chanceto shine like a tear… More