On Faith & Reason

The VisitWhen I looked up from my blank pagethere was an angel in the room.A rather commonplace angel,presumably of lower rank.You cannot imagine, he said,the degree to which you’re… More

Transmigration of Souls

Transmigration of SoulsIt's hard for you to believe in reincarnationbut you're willing to try,considering the alternative.If only someone would explainwhere the souls are, in a city or a townor… More

Conversation With Noah

– If all those people must be flooded, is it not fair that they be warned?– The calamity itself is the warning.– Then your god is acting rashly.– What… More

Let Man Remember

Let man remember throughout his life he’s on his way toward death:each day he travels only a little so he thinks he’s always at rest—like someone sitting at ease… More