
Is there anyone with any actual power who will stand up for us? Any Republicans with a shred of conscience? Any democrats with a shred of spine? More

Precious Time

There’s nothing like losing your country when you’re little to help you see NATIONALISM as the strange and unnatural thing that it is. More


From every corner they emerge, those who want to punish us for simply existing. More

Evident Truths

My Maternal grandmother was 6 years old when the 19th amendment passed. Her mother, who was illiterate, wouldn’t get to vote until her daughters brought her to the polls… More

Two Poems by Roberto Montes

This week in the PEN Poetry Series, PEN America features two poems by Roberto Montes.  The Estate Taxed I should have taken the amaranth soap From the rich prick's bathroom Should have mothered… More

Those Other Nurses

What starts as a memory riff on the kind of punning coincidence that puts the very sleep-deprived into giggle fits … evolves into a powerful meditation on where we… More

The PEN Ten with Camille Rankine

I like to hear stories from worlds that aren't my own. Sometimes, when I'm listening, a phrase floats into the air and everything else gets quiet, and it's like… More

Public Works

It was an election year. The switchboards flickered with stars in their / universe of calls. Of all places, a public park. The workers had begun / to dig,… More

Operation Haze

Yesterday I lost two lights / when I ripped the yellow ones / out / Now it’s just me / and a borrowed mile // I think the… More