
This installment of the PEN Poetry Series, selected by Ana Božičević and Amy King, features an excerpt from Kim Rosenfield’s Lividity, which was recently published by Les Figues Press. from Lividity In… More

The Spanish Illness

Many had come from the four corners of the globe and had no way to prove the purity of their blood, or their past; in the best of … More

Oil on Water

So, yes, there was an accident, a fire. An explosion in the barn with the oil drums. The fire flew on the wind from house to house, and in… More

Poems from Water Puppets

I will admit I was in favor of war and now look what’s happened. / At the end of the road the man driving the truck will eat /… More

Sophia’s Childhood

Her rejection as a child helps to explain her constant search as a woman for what she had missed. Even as Empress Catherine, at the height of her autocratic… More

Cross-Country Skiing

In November, before the snow, I’d got lost in these woods and spent part of a chilly night curled up in wet leaves. After it snowed, however, I could… More


At the outset, I felt no need to acquaint myself with the six degrees of freedom. I’d never heard of the Great North Pacific Garbage Patch. I liked my… More

Tom & Gerry

TOM: (reminiscing) River Lethe, baby. The dreariest task was a silent epiphany. Slooow motion. Even something like laundry had a purpose and a passion—as part of the plan. It… More