Search Results for: Egypt


Edda Sólveig’s back is turned to me as she stands on a dry island in the damp floor. I look past her, out my arched window, the jewel of… More

Poet Omar Hazek Imprisoned

PEN protests the two-year prison sentence handed to Egyptian poet Omar Hazek, who has been held in custody since his arrest in early December 2013 for taking part in… More

Alexandria Irrealis

The Alexandria that Constantine Cavafy knew no longer exists. Nor does the Alexandria that E. M. Forster got to know during the First World War, nor the Alexandria that… More

Day of Rage

we checked it all out, twice we passed / the policeman in his sentry-box… / when we dispersed in the half gloom of side-streets / I noted this image:… More

The Blood of Love

If memory is all that can be kept of the past, how might it be kept alive? And if there is no life we can see beyond this one,… More