Search Results for: Banned in the USA

Free Expression Digest: Fri., Aug 28

Verdict in the case of three Al-Jazeera journalists expected today, Associated Press sues the FBI over fake news story, Bangladesh arrests two more suspects in blogger's murder, and more... More

Free Expression Digest: Tues., August 4

DHS admits cybersecurity bill raises privacy concerns, judge strikes down Idaho "ag-gag" law, German officials suspend treason inquiry of bloggers, and more... More

Free Expression Digest: Wed., July 1

NSA will continue mass surveillance program, Journalist gets 10 months in jail for insulting Erdoğan, Two more Chinese netizens charged with subversion, and more More

Free Expression Digest: Wed., June 17

June 17 is the third anniversary of the jailing of Raif Badawi, Exiled from Syria: When the most dangerous place for journalists is your country, Thailand's junta deals free… More

Onslaught on Free Expression Intensifies in Turkey

In the latest onslaught on free expression, the government of Turkey made international headlines this month when it again went head-to-head with internet sites Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and Google… More