Search Results for: Translation

A “Campaign of Genocide”¥ in Syria

[caption id="attachment_8705" align="alignnone" width="400" caption="Photo by syriana2011 via Flickr"][/caption] This morning, Christopher Merrill of the International Writing Program in Iowa sent PEN a translation of a letter by Syrian novelist… More

A Poem May Get a Writer Jailed In China

Chinese writer and activist Zhu Yufu was charged with publishing a provocative poem this past week (the official charge was "inciting subversion of state power"). More

Among the Splendors

As I read more of Adonis’s work over the years, in the original and in translation, I felt repeatedly that only a large of selection of work could give… More

Wide-Reading, Long-Seeing

As the war drums rumble louder, we might want to take a look, as we engage, at some Iranian poets, some of whom write about their country from within… More