Search Results for: Translation

The 1920s: PEN’s Founding and Early Years

Throughout the year, we’ll be celebrating PEN’s 90th anniversary by looking at the key events, cases, and characters from the organization’s history. As part of our online retrospective, we’ll… More

2012 PEN American Center Election Results

PEN American Center announced at the Annual Members Meeting the election of Peter Godwin as the president. Godwin succeeds Kwame Anthony Appiah, who served as president for the last… More

HotINK Festival

While many of the world’s greatest plays are only known to American audiences through translation (those by Sophocles, Ibsen, Chekhov, Brecht, and Ionesco, to name but a very few),… More

PEN Appeal: Mohammad Soleimani Nia

February 17, 2012 Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic His Excellency Ayatollah Sayed ‘Ali Khamenei The Office of the Supreme Leader Shoahada Street Qom Islamic Republic of Iran Head of the Judiciary Ayatollah Sadegh Larijani c/o Public… More

A “Campaign of Genocide” in Syria

This morning, Christopher Merrill of the International Writing Program in Iowa sent PEN a translation of a letter by Syrian novelist Khaled Khalifa imploring the world to help end… More