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Sochi Highlights Need for Olympic Reforms

PEN American Center last week joined over 33 human rights groups in an joint letter to the IOC president, Thomas Bach, recommending that the International Olympic Committee (IOC) carry… More

The Chains That Keep

He sees me staring through the rearview and stops. Every streetlight we pass, his face gets shinier. He unzips his jacket, I notice blood on his shirt. Stabbed, probably.… More

Cunt Norton

When you cunt a text, both texts are devoured, both are spit back up stunned by their new undulations, their hybridity an act of endurance and of disappearance, meanings… More

Reflecting on Harm within Networks

There are plenty of cases where the costs of surveillance are borne by those directly affected or by a class of people who are harmed collectively, but the costs… More

Understanding the Threat

Improving the state of privacy is even more complicated now that we have begun to understand the extent of the government’s surveillance capabilities. A year ago, many might have… More