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Dykes in Print

Graphic artist Jennifer Camper, in a biting new comic, surveys critical reception of lesbians throughout literature. More


"Of 260 respondents, 117 say they have had work published by someone else or a publishing house, or have published their own comics. Of our 117 respondents, 21 claim… More

But That’s Not Censorship!!

How do we commonly define censorship? It depends who you ask. Here, artist and writer Anne Elizabeth Moore gives voice to the concerns of artists who claim to experience… More

The M Word Stories

The M Word seeks to elevate, amplify, and celebrate the diversity of Muslim-American voices. To help us, we are inviting audience members, online followers, panelists, and others to share… More

Outsider Nonfiction

"I did not set out to write a definitive transgender book. I wrote and photographed six individuals, ages 16 to 22, who fall under the transgender umbrella. This left… More