Five Poems from Prison

In 2012, Alireza Roshan was incarcerated at Evin prison in Iran—known for housing political prisoners and dissidents—on charges of “incitement and collusion with intent to disrupt national security." He… More

Ferguson: No Place for Repression in American Heartland

Unacceptable tactics used in Ferguson dangerously resemble those used by repressive regimes subject to unflinching American criticism. Journalists must be able to report on issues related to discrimination and… More

Nights and Days

A poem written by free poet Lars Mikael Raattamaa in solidarity with Swedish journalist Dawit Isaak who has been jailed in Eritrea since 2001, without a trial or access… More

Thai Freedom: We Can’t Breathe

He was speaking in code, of course, as many Thais do when discussing Article 112 of the Thai Criminal Code that states: “Whoever defames, insults or threatens the King,… More

BANNED: ‘The Miseducation of Cameron Post’

The Cape Henlopen, DE, school board took emily m. danforth's critically acclaimed novel 'The Miseducation of Cameron Post' off the summer reading list for containing a word that rhymes… More