The Invisible Wall

Karl Ove Knausgård delivered this year's keynote address at the 14th Oxfam Novib/ PEN-International Awards for Freedom of Expression, in which he championed courageous writers from around the world… More

Athalia Montez, Advice

In a major rediscovery, Burnett brings us the work of Urzidil, a writer from the Prague Circle whose fiction only blossomed later in life, as a writer-in-exile in the… More


Building on oral traditions, parables, and the rich history of artists as unpretentious makers, PEN DIY celebrates how literature can be approachable yet unexpected, and how it can help… More

PEN Condemns UK Spying on Journalists’ Communications

Today’s revelations that the UK's Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) ‘harvested’ correspondence between journalists and editors at news organisations such as the BBC, the Guardian, the New York Times, and… More

Sabotaging Free Speech in Italy

In Paris and throughout France, millions took to the street last Sunday in support of freedom of expression. And yet, in Italy, at the end of this month, one… More