The Distant Marvels

A small crab makes its way towards my foot, as if it wants to get into the house. It opens a tiny, cobalt claw at me. First Ada’s outstretched… More

Far from My Father

The car proposed in exchange was less prestigious, but cheaper. Her great-uncle pointed out that, once the hearse was decorated with flowers and ribbons, you wouldn’t be able to… More

Siamanto’s Bloody News

An entire generation of Western Armenian writers were extinguished by the Ottoman government just as they were [...] bringing Armenian literature into modernism and into an international light. More

Dodging Dictators

We moved the pieces back and forth on the table, but in the end gave up; it proved impossible to find a configuration that expressed the simultaneous desire to… More


I tried to imagine the Vilna ghetto, / to see a persimmon tree after the flash at Nagasaki. / Because my own tree had been hacked, / I tried… More