Nasrin Sotoudeh Returns to Prison

Nasrin Sotoudeh was returned to Evin Prison late Monday night after a short, three-day furlough, her husband Reza Khandan reports. On a Facebook page dedicated to Nasrin's release, Reza… More

from “Muse & Drudge,” “Trimmings”

Swan neck, white shoulders, lumps of fat. A woman's face/above it all. Unriddled sphinx 'without secrets.' Alabaster/bust, paled into significance. Clothes opening, revealing/dress, as French comes into English. Suggestively,… More

Three Years after the Quake

Saturday will mark three years since the devastating earthquake in Haiti that killed an estimated 300,000 people. PEN, too, was affected by the tragedy, as PEN Haiti's director Georges… More

Health Care Information for PEN Members

PEN American Center Members have access to two different group insurance plans. Both options require that a subscriber be self-employed, filing tax returns as a sole proprietor or as… More