Grandmother Power!

Paola Gianturco's moving book Grandmother Power profiles grandmother activists in 15 countries on five continents about their human rights work. In this chilling excerpt, we learn how grandmothers in… More

About the Festival

New York City, April 29-May 5, 2013Writers from across the globe convene in New York to explore bravery in art, politics and personal life. This year's Festival will examine writers' impact… More

Become a Sponsor

Now entering its ninth year, Salman Rushdie’s World Voices Festival has morphed from a festival of literature into a cultural experience. Every March for the past seven years, more… More

Festival Sponsors

SPONSORSPEN World Voices Festival is a proud sponsor of The Standard, East Village, the iconichotel in the heart of the East Village. The Festival is presented in association with… More


Brooklyn Public Library NYU China House The Cooper UnionCorrectional Association of New York Edison Properties IDEAS CITY Little Star Monkey BusinessThe New School for Social ResearchPoetry Society of America Times Square AllianceTimesTalksWestbeth Center for the Arts More