Beauty is a Wound

[U]pon her departure, the nineteen other girls followed her into her room, gathered on top of her bed, and resumed their conversation about how to amputate a Japanese soldier’s… More

Two Views on How Surveillance Harms Writers

Philosopher and former PEN American Center president Kwame Anthony Appiah and Screenwriter Walter Bernstein reflect on what electronic spying means for intellectual and creative freedom More

At the Burning Abyss

No one who studies Trakl can fail to notice his penchant for colors, and some of his interpreters point out that Trakl’s colors express and evoke opposing sensations: White… More

On Translating Franz Fühmann

Fühmann had discovered Trakl’s apocalyptic poems as a soldier, and they shook his faith in Nazism. On furlough at the very end of the war, Fühmann learned that his… More