Cold Spring

Cold spring and a redwing blackbird. / Norway maple in a litter of seed keys. / Inconvenient, the needs of the soul. // Cold spring. Fresh paint on a… More

Five Poems by Lisa Olstein

Like everyone, I’ll watch indefinitely while / the meant-to-be lovers stay a lip’s width apart / or a war zone, their shadows overlapping / like animals around a dried-up… More

The Chains That Keep

He sees me staring through the rearview and stops. Every streetlight we pass, his face gets shinier. He unzips his jacket, I notice blood on his shirt. Stabbed, probably.… More

Cunt Norton

When you cunt a text, both texts are devoured, both are spit back up stunned by their new undulations, their hybridity an act of endurance and of disappearance, meanings… More

Gay Propaganda: Olga & Irina

What country are we living in and in what year, when priests bless half- drunk nationalists that pelt people with rocks while the police look on and then load… More

Gay Propaganda: Sergei

There wasn’t a single gay man among them. There were grown men next to me, who’d come down with delirium tremens, schizophrenia. That’s when I learned that madness is… More