Free Expression Digest: Thurs., Sept 3

Lawyer says Turkey arrested Vice News journalists to deter foreign media, China ramps up online censorship ahead of military parade, Cameroon frees journalist arrested for investigating Nigerian refugees, and… More

Ann Tenna

We feature an excerpt by Marissa Acocella Marchetto, a cartoonist for The New Yorker, from her upcoming graphic novel Ann Tenna, set in the bizarre world of New York-based… More

Free Expression Digest: Weds., Sept 2

Three journalists murdered in two weeks in the Philippines, Vice News fixer hit with terrorism charges 'over encryption software,' Turkish police raid news office, and more... More

Pledge of Allegiance

To Wall / Street, which saw / across the continent plot / by plot & which brought / west ledgers. // The discovery / of writing, Lévi-Strauss says, begets… More

The PEN Ten with Sonia Guiñansaca

"Erasure happens when it comes to the history/lives/contribution/resistance/survival of people of color in America, and so with my pen I make sure that they exist and are remembered in… More

Free Expression Digest: Tues., Sept 1

Khadija Ismayilova sentenced to 7.5 years in prison, VICE News journalists charged with terrorism in Turkey, Columbia's secret bulk data collection, and more... More

Khadija Ismayilova’s Final Statement

"Yes, I might be in prison, but the work will continue," Khadija Ismayilova declared during her final statement today in the court case against her. Read it in full… More

Free Expression Digest: Mon., Aug 31

Egypt sentences three Al Jazeera journalists to three years in prison, verdict delayed once again for Ismayilova, China arrests nearly 200 over 'online rumors' and more... More