Putin’s Fight For “Traditional Values”
Leading up to and throughout the Sochi Winter Olympic Games, we will be exploring through poetry, fiction, and nonfiction the implications of growing restrictions on freedom of expression in… More
Optimism in Check, Nihilism at Bay
With the Olympics now underway in Sochi, the world is forced to view a country where the freedoms of its citizens have undergone abrupt and tragic erosions in the… More
Open Season on Russian Gays and Lesbians
These are just a few examples, but they illustrate the point: the purpose of this law isn’t just to shove LGBT people back in the closet, it’s also meant… More
Steamrolling Onto the World Stage
In two weeks’ time, the Olympic games will be over, athletes and foreign guests will depart, and Olympic kitsch will proliferate in many homes in the form of tchotchkes… More
Gay Propaganda: Olga & Irina
What country are we living in and in what year, when priests bless half- drunk nationalists that pelt people with rocks while the police look on and then load… More
Gay Propaganda: Sergei
There wasn’t a single gay man among them. There were grown men next to me, who’d come down with delirium tremens, schizophrenia. That’s when I learned that madness is… More
Putin, Ventriloquism, and Free Speech
The Russian government has gotten back into the story business. This is bad news for people who like to tell stories of their own, but good news for people… More
What is the Literary Scene in Russia Like Today?
The literary process is now organized as show business, with flashy presentations and contests, ratings, quizzes, and so on. Serious authors conduct TV shows and even advertise consumer goods. More