Limp Gray Fur

"I am neurotically productive, reading, studying, writing, exercising – doing something at all times, anything except nothing." More


"Purple mountains rise in the distance, / Disrupted by coils of razor wire / Freedom only time can purchase / Brought here, branded a liar." More

The Storm

"Like the clouds are killing each other: / Battleships, anvils, Jesus Christ. / Blind with awe, I cannot sleep, / Beholding worlds within worlds, afire." More


"I felt a line of saliva fall out of my numbing mouth while I stared at the bright red bumps of the stings on my ankles. I don't remember… More

The Swallow War

"This singular edifice sits in the center of the prison; it's open air and we call it the plaza. There are a couple of trees, some sickly grass, and… More


"You've created a program that mines and tracks collective consciousness. Do you realize what this could mean to group dynamics?" More

Freedom Feather

"I don't know if inmate Sanchez turned into a bird or not. It is interesting to imagine, isn't it, spending your life soaring where the air tastes the way… More