for mike brown

i fold my knees to a brown god, even // if he exists only for me. Bismilla’ hirah maa / neraheeem. take me home, where i can be a… More

Two Poems by Mark Cugini

A white man says we need to set a higher bar for / terrorism and then rides off my timeline on a police horse. There's nothing new / I… More


I died for Easter day and resurrected just / Like him for a week at the hospital I was high on morphine / And the nurses all laughed… More

from Weirde Sister

I have a ring that throws up when a cat dies / I have a ring where instead of a jewel it has one of God’s baby teeth /… More


And I felt pale inside But never white inside or / Inside / I felt / Colored inside but colored white // Like I was truly white / The… More

from Vincent

I don't know if it was I / or the wind that lifted her forelocks but / what a mess her face was what a / traveling elsewhere … More

Two Poems by Amber Atiya

u daughter of geechee gods / u femme no longer loving / the butch on top of her, u queer / my nickel plated heaven: / boys with breasts… More