Conviction Won’t Silence Khadija Ismayilova

The conviction of investigative journalist Khadija Ismayilova today is the latest in an effort to paint a thin veneer of legal legitimacy on a determined campaign by the Azerbaijan… More

Freedom of Speech Under Fire in Ferguson

Journalists Wesley Lowery and Ryan Reilly were working at a McDonald’s near the site of the Ferguson, Missouri, protests when police entered the restaurant and asked for their press… More

Free Expression Digest: Fri., June 26

U.S. rules in favor of same-sex marriage, record number of journalists jailed in Egypt, justice for journalist murdered in Colombia, and more More

Press Freedom Under Fire in Ferguson Report Cover

Press Freedom Under Fire in Ferguson

On the basis of these findings, PEN America calls upon the U.S. Department of Justice to carry out investigations into violations of press freedom that took place in the context… More